Training and resources

Prodest provides staff training tailored to our clients’ particular industry, products and services. We also provide a range of guidelines and tools, including contract risk management guidelines, tender procedures, and pro-forma project contract/commercial documentation.
Training and Guidelines
We share our experience and know-how through practical training courses tailored to suit your needs and help your staff perform their jobs better.
We train staff involved in winning and performing work – engineers, project managers, bid managers, estimators, programmers, commercial managers, finance personnel and lawyers. We also provide guidance materials in contract risk management.
Examples include:
Recent assignment: Prodest provided training in ‘Contract Risk Management’ and prepared a comprehensive set of contract guidelines for technical and commercial employees of a manufacturer of HV power equipment. The guidelines set out the preferred positions and supporting arguments in relation to 31 issues commonly addressed in contracts for supply/supply and installation.
Recent assignments: Prodest has provided half-day training sessions in ‘Improving Returns through Better Scope Definition’ for companies involved in:
- Power plant supply and maintenance
- Construction and maintenance services
- Communication network installation
Tools and Resources
We develop tender and contracting procedures from scratch, or enhance your existing systems. We can develop documentation to improve outcomes and efficiency. Examples include:
Recent assignments:
- Back-to-back subcontracts to Department of Defence contract HC-1 2003 with eight variants tailored to pass through provisions that apply only to particular types of work or equipment.
- Pro-forma Joint Venture Agreements for consulting services with variants for (i) separate scopes of work, and (ii) integrated team services.
- Standard Conditions of Sale for a transformer manufacturer with variants for (i) supply only (ii) supply and install (iii) supply of services, and (iv) short conditions of sale.
Please contact us for more information about how we can help improve your organisation’s systems and skills or provide guidelines and tools that will help your team work smarter.